Saturday, 25 December 2010

Today's Car Crash

I've had a car accident today while driving in Sydney CBD with another car in a intersection. Nobody was injured but we were pretty scared when the airbag exploded and the other car went flying and hit a third car. I did that drawing while waiting for the tow truck. I'm sorry :S tomorrow we were supposed to go on holidays with the car... Will see if we can rent something... also waiting for the police to decide who was the offender. 

He tenido un accidente de coche mientras conducia por la ciudad. He chocado con otro coche en una interesección. No ha habido heridos, pero el otro coche salio volando y chocó con un tercero. Falta que la policia decida en el atestado quien era el culpable (no esta claro). Mañana ibamos a cruzar el estado con el coche (empecé ayer mis vacaciones). Ahora estoy intentando alquilar un coche para poderme ir igualmente. Asi es la vida...