Friday, 30 September 2011

Corona Beer

I got a new fountain pen as an anniversary present (three years married!), a German Lamy Joy with 1.1 fine nib and noodlers ink. This is my first sketch with it. I love the line! I noticed during the Sydney Sketchcrawls that fellow USK Liz Steel and Alissa Duke were using it, and after some research I was really crazy for having one! 

Como regalo de aniversario (tres años casado!) he recibido una preciosa pluma, una alemana de la marca Lamy modelo Joy con punta 1.1. y tinta noodlers. Este es mi primer dibujo con ella. Me encanta la línea! Note durante los Sketchcrawls que mis compañeras de USK Liz Steel y Alissa Duke usaban una, después de investigar un poco me volví loco por tener una! 

Monday, 26 September 2011

Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne

I expend a very nice holiday in Melbourne. The weather was all right, but every time that I tried to sketch started raining! I did a 10 minutes sketch on the Royal Exhibition Building of Melbourne, that is the "other" World Heritage Building in Australia after the Sydney Opera House. It has all the flare of the late XIX and first XX century International Expositions and was a pleasure to walk by and to draw. 

He pasado unos dias de vaciones en Melbourne. El tiempo estaba bastante bien, pero cada vez que intentaba sentarme a dibujar se ponia a llover! Hice este esbozo en 10 minutos del Royal Exhibiton Building, el segundo (de dos) edificio en Australia Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad (después de la Opera House). Pasear cerca de él es un placer, que recuerda esas Expos de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Chinatown Comic for Vie Magazine Issue # September 2011

I'm really happy of this two pages full colour comic published this month in the (vie lite) Magazine. 

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Road Trip Sydney to Melbourne (I) - HMAS Otway at Holbrook NSW

We went for few days to Melbourne. We drive all the way, almost 1,000 Km. They were some stops in our way, like the Submarine of the sketch. Is a real one, HMAS Otway and is placed quite far from the water in the middle of a park in the town of Holbrook, NSW. 

Fuimos unos dias a Melbourne, en coche! 1,000 Km de Nueva Gales del Sur (nuestro estado) a Victoria. Hicimos varias paradas en el camino y en una de ellas dibuje este submarino. El HMAS Otway esta muy lejos del mar, en un parque de Holbrook en Nueva Gales del Sur. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The Strand Galleries, Sydney CBD

The Strand Galleries, in Sydney CBD have a beautiful old fashioned flare. I love buildings that allow you to travel to the past, but still meaning something in the present, and that's one of this places in Sydney. On top of that, was very fun to draw! (Ink, brush and watercolor on two pages of 160gsm A5 sketchbook).

Las Galerias Strand en el centro de Sydney tienen un aire romantico y antiguo. Tengo debilidad por los edificios que suponen un viaje al pasado, pero conservan su utilidad en el presente. Ademas, fue muy divertido dibujarlo. (Tinta, pincel y acuarela sobre dos paginas de cuaderno de dibujo 160gsm A5). 

Friday, 2 September 2011

Inception characters

Those are some sketches that I did while watching again the "Inception" movie. I have seen the movie before, so I just started to doodle the characters on my sketchbook. I don't like to pause it and draw, but draw the characters while watching the movie helped to create a 3D idea on my mind of how they look like.

Estos son algunos bocetos de los personajes de "Inception". Lo dibuje mientras veia la pelicula en DVD. En lugar de pausar la imagen para "copiarla" lo que hice fue crear "retratos" de los personajes a medida que la pelicula avanzaba en mi cuaderno.