Saturday, 26 October 2013

Daoist Temple in Taipei City

Pencil and Watercolor Illustration.

Lápiz y acuarela. Pequeño templo Taoista en Taipei. 

Elevated MRT Station near Sogo, Taipei

Sketch of an elevated MRT Station near Sogo in Taipei City. This sketch was done with a normal pen and a normal notebook (as opposed to "proper" drawing materials). As an urban person I'm in love with transport systems, and I like the idea of Taipei having some of its lines above the ground instead of under.

Dibujo del paso elevado del metro (MRT) en Taipei City cerca del centro comercial japonés Sogo. El dibujo esta hecho con un boli normal sobre papel que no es de dibujo. Como urbanita me siento muy cómodo entre grandes medios de transporte, y el paso elevado de un metro en una gran metropoli como Taipei atrae mi atención como dibujante.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Xinyi Road, Taipei

Xinyi Road, Taipei by david.jack
Xinyi Road, Taipei, a photo by david.jack on Flickr.
Sketch of Xinyi Road in Taipei. I had some minutes to kill waiting for my wife before having lunch. I like Xinyi road, you can see the impressive Taipei 101 on the background, that was for some years the tallest building on Earth. It's also a very colourful street, and I wanted to insert those colours on my sketch.

Dibujo de la Carretera Xinyi en Taipei aprovechando unos minutos mientras esperaba a mi mujer para irnos a comer. El impresionante Taipei 101 se puede ver en el fondo, durante unos años fue el edificio más alto del planeta. Es una calle muy colorida y queria expresar ese color en mi dibujo.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

41st International Sketchcrawl, Taipei 19.10.2013

MyfirstSketchcrawlTaipei.jpg by david.jack
MyfirstSketchcrawlTaipei.jpg, a photo by david.jack on Flickr.

Today in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei the Urban Sketchers Taipei joined the international art community for the Sketchcrawl and I joined them. 

Hoy en el centro Creativo y Cultural de Songshan en Taipei, el grupo Urban Sketchers Taipei se ha unido a la comunidad internacional para celebrar la Sketchcrawl. Yo me he unido a ellos. 


sketchcrawlshowandtelltaipei.jpg by david.jack

My two pieces:

Mis dos dibujos:

松山文化創意園區 - Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei by david.jack

松山文化創意園區 - Urban Sketchers Taipei  by david.jack

To see the results of other cities: 

Para ver otras ciudades:

To see my other Sketchrawl posts: 
Para ver mis posts anteriores sobre la Sketchcrawl:

紅毛城 - Fuerte Santo Domingo, Tamsui, New Taipei City


Sketch of the Fuerte Santo Domingo in Tamsui, New Taipei City. It was founded by Spaniards in 1628. I also was founded by Spaniards but not as long ago.

Dibujo del Fuerte Santo Domingo en Tamsui, Nueva Taipei. Se fundó por españoles en 1628. A mi también me fundaron españoles aunque no hace tanto.

淡水區 - Tamsui, New Taipei City


Sketch from Tamsui, a coastal district from New Taipei City. The Spaniards arrived there in the 17th Century so I guess there is a connection (I was born in Spain!).

Dibujo de Tamsui, un distrito costero de Nueva Taipei. Los españoles llegaron aqui en el siglo XVII asi que imagino que está conectado de algún modo conmigo (nací en Barcelona!).

Friday, 18 October 2013

國父史蹟紀念館 - Dr. Sun Yat-sen House, Taipei

Intersection of Zhongshan N. Road and Civic Boulevard, 500 meters from Taipei Main Station. In the former Hotel Umeyashiki, where Dr. Sun stayed during his 1914 visit to Taiwan.

Entre Zhongshan N. Road y Civic Boulevard, 500 metros de la estación central de Taipei. Anteriormente el Hotel Umeyashiki, donde el Dr. Sun estuvo en su visita a Taiwán de 1914.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

East Gate, Taipei “台北东门”

Taipei used to be a walled city. There is a few very visible reminder of those times in the city. This one is the East Gate and was rebuild in 1945.

Taipei era una ciudad amurallada. Hay varias puertas (reconstrucciones aunque existe una original) de las puertas del antiguo muro. La Puerta Este (la de la imagen) fue reconstruída en 1945. 

Friday, 4 October 2013

Sun Yat-Sen

Sun Yat-Sen  by david.jack
Sun Yat-Sen , a photo by david.jack on Flickr.
Portrait of Sun Yat-Sen.

國立國父紀念館 - Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei

Sun Yat-Sen (1866 - 1925). Chinese revolutionary. Sun is refered as the "Father of the Nation" in the Republic of China (where I am), and the "forerunner of democratic revolution" in the People's Republic of China.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Hong Kong Beauty

I love this ship. I only had like 1 minute before she was going to leave port to draw her, so my only chance was to use a brush, black ink and red watercolor.

Un viejo Junco en las aguas del puerto de Hong Kong. Dibujarlo fue dificil porque apenas tenia unos minutos para hacer el dibujo (tinta china y acuarela roja).

Hong Kong

Hong Kong by david.jack
Hong Kong, a photo by david.jack on Flickr.
Hong Kong is such a fast paced city, full of high risers, not only for business for also residential. It's also an international city full of life and excitement. I'll try to visit it again soon.

Hong Kong Harbour

Hong Kong Harbour by david.jack
Hong Kong Harbour, a photo by david.jack on Flickr.
I went to Hong Kong for a couple days and I had the chance to do some sketching. Hong Kong harbour is very busy so it was difficult to sketch the skyline as always was a ship in front of you blocking the view!

Seven Samurai (七人の侍, Shichinin no Samurai) - Akira Kurosawa 1954

Seven Samurai by david.jack
Seven Samurai, a photo by david.jack on Flickr.
My favourite movie of all times. Akira Kurosawa was also an illustrator, and he will work some of his plots based on his illustrations and character design, laying out the humanity of the characters turning them in unforgettable. 

Mi película favorita de todos los tiempos. Akira Kurosawa también era un ilustrador, trabajaba algunos de sus guiones en base a ilustraciones y el diseño de personajes, creando una humanidad a los personajes y un realismo que los hacen difíciles de olvidar. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Japanese Temple, Taipei

Japanese Temple, Taipei by david.jack
Japanese Temple, Taipei, a photo by david.jack on Flickr.
There is so many remnants of the Japanese Rule of Taiwan (1895 - 1945) around.

This is a bell tower of a Japanese Buddhist Temple in Renai Road in the financial centre of the city.

National Concert Hall Taipei

Sketch / Illustration of the National Concert Hall in Taipei, in the background the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall.