Tuesday, 31 May 2011

16 - Draw Something Green

For the Every Day in May Challenge, a green Tea Cosy. We had afternoon tea at The Rocks, with tea and scones. Later on we went to the Broadway show "Mary Poppins" very appropiate!

Para el reto de "Every Day in May". Un Tea Cosy verde. Es una especie de "jersey" que le ponen a las teteras. Fuimos a tomar un te con Scones y luego a ver el Musical de Broadway "Mary Poppins". Muy apropiado :) 

Saturday, 21 May 2011

MCA - Zine Fair 2011

Tomorrow Sunday 22/05/2011 I'll be in the MCA - Zine Fair with two of my zines. You can come and meet the Sydney Zine Scene! My stall is the number 31! Is very easy to access to the Museum, just come to Circular Quay by Train, Ferry or Bus, the Museum of Contemporary Art is just there!  

Mañana Domingo 22 de Mayo estaré en el MCA - Museo Contemporaneo de Arte de Sydney, para la Zine Fair con dos de mis fanzines. Puedes venir y conocer la escena fanzinera de Sydney. Mi mesa es la número 31. Es muy facil acceder al museo, solo pásate por Circular Quay y el museo esta allí mismo! 

Saturday, 14 May 2011

EDIM #9 - Draw a clock that you have around the house.

I was supposed to draw a clock that I have around the house, but I do not own a clock! we are a generation not really used to one-function devices, and a clock seems useless! but we have clocks everywhere! in our mobiles, our ipods, mp3 playes, ipads and laptops! 

Tenia que dibujar para hoy un "reloj" pero no tengo ninguno! Somos una generación para la cual, aparatos con "un solo uso" nos parecen inútiles. En fin, tengo "relojes" en todas partes, en todos los mobiles, ipads, ipods, mp3 y portatiles de la casa! :D Pero no, no tenemos reloj! 

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Saturday, 7 May 2011

EDIM # 7 - How I get my news

I normally get my news from the Internet on my iPad. I like to read The Guardian and then I move to different newspapers around the world. I like to read the news every day.

This painting is the first time that I paint with gouache ever. 

Normalmente leo las noticias en Internet con mi iPad. Me gusta empezar por The Guardian y de ahi moverme a diferentes periódicos internacionales. Leo la premsa cada día. 

Esta pintado con gouache, es la primera vez que uso este tipo de pintura. 

Friday, 6 May 2011

EDIM #6- Draw something sour - Lemons!

For the challenge of today "Draw something tart or sour" I decided to use watercolor pencils. I had them for more than three years, but I never used them. This challenge is turning to be one of materials, not only of topics. 

Para el reto de hoy "Dibuja algo amargo" he decidido usar mis lápices acuarelables. Hace tres años que los tenía (me los regalaron) pero no los he usado hasta hoy! El reto de "Every Day in May" se esta convirtiendo en un reto de usar diferentes materiales cada día y no solo de dibujar diferentes temas. 

Thursday, 5 May 2011

EDIM #5 Scissors

EDIM #5 Scissors by david.jack
EDIM #5 Scissors, a photo by david.jack on Flickr.

Digital - Sketchbook Pro App for iPad

Ulaanbaatar - Comic for "vie lite" Magazine #5

I published another comic in the "vie lite" Magazine issue #5 of May. It's about Mongolia. If you are in Sydney don't forget to pick up one issue. You'll find it in the Kinokuniya Book Shop in Town Hall. 

He publicado otro comic en la revista "vie lite" en el numero #5 de Mayo. Trata sobre Mongolia.  Si estas en Sydney consigue un ejemplar en la libreria Kinokuniya en Town Hall. 

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

EDIM #4 - Salt and pepper shakers

This is my first drawing ever to be completed with Winsor and Newton watercolors. Before that I being using "School" Watercolors and that's my first chance to use the professional set (well.. "Cotman" but the quality of their colors is soooo great). 

Este es mi primer dibujo pintado con acuarelas "Cotman" de Winsor and Newton en lugar de acuarelas de "estudiante". Es un gran paso y el resultado me ha convencido de seguir practicando con mejores instrumentos. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Draw some exercise equipment - what you use to stay fit. - EDIM#3

I'm back to a more traditional sketch. Day 3 in the May Challenge of a daily drawing (according to a list to be found http://www.wendyshortland.com/pages/EDiM.pdf). I use those when I go on my morning walk (that by the way I abandoned). 

De vuelta a un sketch más tradicional. Dia 3 en el reto diario de mayo (de acuerdo a la lista que se puede encontrar en http://www.wendyshortland.com/pages/EDiM.pdf). Uso estas pesas en mi paseo matutino (que por cierto, tengo abandonado). 

Monday, 2 May 2011

I have the power plug! - EDIM #2

Today is day 2 for "Every Day in May" Challenge and I was supposed to draw a Power Plug. Well, I did draw a power cord, but also a bit of my childhood in the 80's. A show that was around where a man used to yell that he had the power... and I just gave him a plug.

More information about the challenge: http://www.wendyshortland.com/pages/EDiM.pdf

Hoy es dia 2 del reto "Every Day in May". Se suponía que dibujara un enchufe de corriente. De hecho lo he dibujado, pero también un trocito de mi infancia en los 80. Unos dibujos animados en los que un señor solía sostener una espada cargada de rayos eléctricos y sostenía el poder... le he dado un enchufe. 

Más información del reto: http://www.wendyshortland.com/pages/EDiM.pdf

Sunday, 1 May 2011

North Sydney Waterfront

North Sydney Waterfront

Draw a bar of soap - Every Day in May (I)

I'm participating in a daily challenge for May from the group "Every Day Matters". I'll post more details during the month... and the challenge! 

Estoy participando en un reto diario para mayo del grupo "Every Day Matters". Iré dando más detalles según el mes (y el reto) avance!