Thursday, 8 December 2011

Nueva Tira

Pues como dice la tira, vuelvo al hábito de la tira diaria. Necesito un chute de creatividad, asi que vuelvo a los origenes, mientras sigo haciendo el resto de proyectos detrás de las cortinas, como mi colaboración mensual con la revista (vie lite), mis fanzines (de venta en Sídney, Australia!) y mis sketches. 

This blog has been quite quiet for the last few months. I decided to reinflate some of the old glory by trying again a daily strip. Will see how much I can last this time. I'll keep all my other projects like the monthly comic for (vie lite) magazine, my zines (available for sale in Sydney!). I'd like to see were  I can get three years later of the previous attempt. Still trying to decide what to do about the English translation of the strip. Will see.