Thursday, 25 August 2011

House in Mosman, Sydney

I used to work in Mosman for over a year, and everyday I went there with my "push-bike". I like the gardens near this house at Military Road, with the beautiful Magnolia tree in blossom and the deep greens of winter all around me. I expend a couple of hours on the spot where I did this sketch reading a book and drinking a latte. Priceless! (because the book was from the library but the latte was $3.80, not that cheap).

Ink, Brush, Watercolor on drawing sketchbook 160gsm.

Trabaje en Mosman (un barrio de Sydney) durante un año. Me gustaba ir con mi bicicleta y disfrutaba especialmente de los jardines de esta casa en Military Road, al fondo se puede ver un arbol rebosante de Magnolias y el verde intenso del invierno. Cuando termine mi dibujo me quede un par de horas para leer un libro y tomar un cafe. 

Tinta, pincel, acuarela en cuaderno de dibujo de 160gsm.